Friday, December 9, 2011

Numbers Vs. %

Girls these days get so hung up on that number on their scales, or the size on their clothing. These forms of measuring your weight loss or health and fitness just aren't accurate, as everyone's bodies are different shapes, heights and store body fat in different places. Body fat, now that's the kicker, that's the real thing were trying to get rid of when we say we want to lose weight. That layer of fat that covers our bones and muscles, that can either be low and allow our muscles to be defined and our bodies to appear lean and fit, or high and show up as a spare tyre, a muffin top or bat wings. Our body fat percentage is the real thing that measures our health and fitness. Unfortunately it's a lot harder to measure then our weight on a set of scales, and measures can often be quite inaccurate. Although BMI (Body Mass Index) and taking your measurements are still a much more accurate way of measuring your progress then your weight in kg, as you are unable to tell whether or not this weight-loss is coming from fat, muscle, bone or water. When I was losing weight I took measurements of my arms, chest, waist, tummy, hips, bum, thighs and calfs every week, as well as my weight in kg and my BMI. This form of keeping records enabled me to see my progress, and motivated me to keep going, as I could see just how far I had come.
Here are my measurements from the beginning of 2010



By looking at this data I can see that my BMI tells me that I was overweight, and getting close to obese!! A very scary thought. If I look at my measurements now I can see just how much I have really lost, or how much I have gained!-Depending on how you look at it :)




You can wok out your BMI by dividing your weight in kg by your height in metres squared;
BMI= weight (kg)/height(m)2
21.2= 54/(1.63x1.63)
Check your BMI against the chart.
Even more accurate then this is getting a body fat measurement.
There are a few different ways you can get this done.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis: The general principle behind BIA: two conductors are attached to a person's body and a small electric current is sent through the body. This is usually a machine that looks like normal scales, with handles that you hold, while the current is sent through your body (you can't feel it). The resistance between the conductors will provide a measure of body fat, since the resistance to electricity varies between body fat, muscular and skeletal tissue. This is the form I use.

Anthropometric methods: There exist various anthropometric methods for estimating body fat. The term anthropometric refers to measurements made of various parameters of the human body, such as circumferences of various body parts or thicknesses of skinfolds. Most of these methods are based on a statistical model. Some measurements are selected, and are applied to a population sample. For each individual in the sample, the method's measurements are recorded, and that individual's body density is also recorded, being determined by, for instance, under-water weighing, in combination with a multi-compartment body density model. From this data, a formula relating the body measurements to density is developed.

Skinfold methods: The skinfold estimation methods are based on a skinfold test, also known as a pinch test, whereby a pinch of skin is precisely measured by calipers at several standardized points on the body to determine the subcutaneous fat layer thickness. These measurements are converted to an estimated body fat percentage by an equation. Consequently, the body fat percentage calculated from skin folds or other anthropometric methods carries the cumulative error from the application of two separate statistical models.

Essential fat10–13%2–5%
By using the Bioelectrical Impedance scales i have been measuring my body fat % to track my muscle building efforts. When I first had my body fat recorded in April by my nutritionist, it was 25.5% and my body contained 14.8kg of fat. Wow that sounds like a lot of fat, but by looking at the chart I can see I was still in an average category, verging on Fitness level. Since following the nutrition plan she gave me and lifting weights, I took my body fat % again at the start of my sports modelling training at the end of September. It was 21.5% and my body contained 12.1kg of body fat, showing that I had really lost 2.7kg of fat! An accurate measure of real weight loss. I have continued taking my body fat % readings and after 2 months of training in November it was 19% and my body contained 10.3kg of fat, another 1.8kg of fat loss. I took my reading again yesterday, 2 weeks after my last reading and after following my training diet plan for 11 days, it was 17%, with 9.2kg of fat. I am so proud to be able to track my progress, and see that I am really getting results with all of my efforts. I am now in the 'Athlete' category and am well on my way to being ready for my competition in March! For competition, girls try to get down to the 'Essential Fat' category, so I still have a little way to go, but I'm getting there!
This shows just how different your body appears with
different amounts of body fat!

So remember girls don't go judging your weight-loss or health and fitness via the number on your scales, cause that number really means nothing. You need to combine these different strategies of BMI, measurements and body fat % measures to really see the extent of your efforts. As many people who appear "skinny", when they have their body fat % read they realise they could very well actually be obese! Remember your body doesn't always store it's fat on the outside of your body, it can actually store it around your organs, a very dangerous thought! This is called 'Skinny-fat', and is probably more dangerous then being obese on the outside, as these people continue to lead unhealthy fitness and eating habits as they believe they've just been blessed with a good body, and later in life will wind up with all kinds of health problems. Get your body fat % read today! If your in the process of losing weight start keeping records of these measures as motivation and a reminder of just how far you've come. Everyone should exercise and be active everyday, and eat food to fuel their bodies correctly. Remember this is your only body, and I sure want to live for as long as possible!
Celebrate your accomplishments and keep reaching for your next goal! <3 Rach