Saturday, January 7, 2012


Posing classes were a success last night! I had so much fun, and feel as though I have already learnt so much :) I've decided my side pose is my proffered stance, as i can pop my booty, and it makes my obliques look nice and defined. I've chosen the two handed booty back stance (pictured) which enables me to smooth out any muffin top :)
The one on one with Amy Fox was incredibly educational and I've now got the poses underway. I've got 30 seconds or so, when they call my number to parade out and show them exactly what I've got. A big smile, chest out, and eye contact with the judges, will help me look confident and as though I know what I'm doing. Once were all lined up, and we get called out for judging I will go through my poses again making sure I show off all my best angles. I believe my confidence and stage presence, that I learn from these classes, will give me an edge over my competitors. Practicing is what it comes down to now, finding out the exact position I put my hand on my hip, or the angle I hold my hand out or the placement of my feet. Knowing my moves and being confident in them will help me on the day, and give me the ability to bang out the moves and make more of an effort in my tensing and presentation. I've got to order my heels now and start practicing in them, and start sorting out my hair, makeup and tan for the big day. 
So many people have shown interest in wanting to come and watch my show, which makes me so proud! Knowing that practically half the crowd is there to support me, gives me so much motivation and accountability to do them all proud. When I walk out on stage I know my best friends will be screaming their heads off, and I can't wait for that moment! Tickets can be purchased now, so if your interested in coming down, supporting me and the other girls and getting a taste of the body building world, get into contact with me :) 9 WEEKS left, training is going well, diet is in check and the cardio has begun. I am absolutely ecstatic when ever I start talking about comp. Bring it on! That stage has my name on it, and I can't wait to get up there and strut myself. My goals are nearing and I cannot wait! Bring on the challenge <3 Rach

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goal Accomplished!

So 2012 has just begun, and I've just accomplished one of the goals I was telling you I had set myself; to be able to wear just a crop top to the gym and feel confident. Today I did it :):) I'm so proud of myself; 1. For developing my body enough that it deserves to be shown off, and 2. For being brave enough and confident enough to take the stares of pretty much everyone in the gym, and not care what they think! 
I'm 10 weeks out and feeling good :) Body fat is back around 17% (Christmas had a little effect on that), I'm feeling defined, mentally prepared and ready for some hard core training! Cardio is getting me pumped for the leanness to come, and I'm so happy that my work schedule has settled down a bit and I'm able to attend group conditioning classes with my trainer again! These classes provide me with a fun and challenging atmosphere where i can train along side other fit, determined girls, and with my competitive nature challenge myself as much as possible. :)
I'm getting compliments galore lately, and it feels fantastic that others are noticing all of my hard work. Ultimately it comes down to what I think about myself though. Personally I feel great, I know I still have a far bit to go, but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and comp is just there in the distance! I'm so determined to do my very, very best and smash it on that stage! Posing classes start Friday, so pumped to begin this side of my preparation :) The next goal I had set myself was to wear 'daisy duke style' denim shorts by my 21st birthday and be proud of my legs. My legs have always been the area I am most self-conscious of, and to be able to develop them enough to rock out these shorts and look hot, is the next aim. So bring on legs day, I will smash those squats, lunges, calf raises, donkey raises, and hammy curls, till my legs are sculpted just the way I want them! 
Bring on accomplishing goals, because it feels mighty good to achieve exactly what you want! Wok hard and make your own goals a reality! <3 Rach 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What a year!

Welcome to 2012!
I hope you all bought in the new year with good spirits and the family and friends you love. What a whirlwind 2011 has been for me! It has shot right past. I have completed another year of my teaching degree with top marks, I've met an incredible amount of amazing new people, spent memorable days and nights with the besties and got back into contact with the good oldies. I had a few 'lust' interests, went to 2 music festivals, countless dress up parties, clubbing adventures, I ran a 14km charity run in 1:22 hours, traveled to Bali, I got my nutrition in check, got a new job at Fitness First, baked countless cupcakes, coached basketball to kids, and began lifting and preparing myself for my first sports modeling competition. Most of all 2011 has taught me so much about myself. I have grown as a person enormously, and feel I have a better sense of who I really am, what I want from life and the tools and tactics I can utilise to get myself there. 2011 has been a year of inspiration and self discovery, and I have come out the end of it gloriously happy, healthy, fit and determined to accomplish anything I want from my life. 
I brought in 2012 dressed as a surf lifesaver, partying it up (sober) with my incredibly beautiful (inside and out) best friend Shauni, a good bunch of friends, lots of dancing, music, a whole lotta sand (yes we built sandcastles :)), and of course a new years eve kiss (from a boy and my bestie). I was so happy to spend the night with a massive grin on my face, shakin' my booty, with a care free and life loving attitude, a complete 360 from how my last new years eve panned out! I'm so proud of all of the things I have accomplished during this year, and how excited and determined I am to go into this new year with my head held high, my spirits even higher, my goals set out, and the dedication to make it all happen.
I have started a new diet plan today, my calories have been reduced to 1,500 per day, as well as my carbohydrate intake lowered and protein increased. More cardio has also been added into my workout routine with a 30min jog every morning on waking. I am also completing high intensity max of 20 mins cardio after my weights training. This approach should start to lean my body up in preperation for comp, which is now 10 weeks away! My bikini pool photoshoot with Dana Carmont Bikinis and photographer Nicole Miller, is now just 3 weeks away! I am so excited to see just how much I can transform my body in these 3 short weeks, and present everything I've got, hopefully walking away with photographs I can be very proud of.
I am also beginning posing classes this Friday :) I am attending Move Fitness Specialists, where I will first attend a 1 on 1 session, where I will learn how to pose to most effectively show of my body and muscle composition. Then a weekly group class, where we will practice walking, posing and prepping our stage presence. I am so excited to be meeting more like-minded girls, and share our training, diet and inspirational stories! Posing sounds easy, but is so vital to the way you will be judged on stage, you may have a kick ass physique, but if you can't show it off properly, then you're not going to win, not to mention tensing every muscle in your body for long periods of time is a work out in itself! I want to do everything I can to score as highly as I possibly can, a place would be a dream come true, but I will be ecstatic with just being able to stand on that stage and show off all that I have accomplished.
Bring on everything 2012 has to offer me, as I will take every situation and turn it in to an opportunity to bring myself closer to my goals. My positivity is at an all time high, life is so incredibly amazing, and I can't wait to spend another memorable year with all of the incredible people in my life! I love you all and thank you for helping make 2011 so unforgettable! Bring on 2012! <3 Rach