Wednesday, December 7, 2011


When people think about weight-loss or getting fit and healthy, they tend to think of slogging it out at the gym or having to get up early mornings and go running. People tend to neglect their nutrition, or they believe in order to look great they need to starve themselves or live off tiny salads. Thankfully this is not at all the case! Quite the opposite really. In order to perform at you best you need to fuel your body with the right foods. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! -and for some reason people don't see this. They eat fast food, chocolate and cakes, greasy chips, drink soft drinks and add sugar to their food, and expect that a 30 min run is going to undo all of this 'crap' they have just put into their body! 
Western culture has made food into such a social and indulgent practice with so many people eating because it feels/tastes good. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying food should be bland and boring! All I'm saying is your food needs to be seen like fuel. You are filling your body with the best nutrients to give your body energy to do what it needs to do. Nothing else. When people begin refueling their bodies correctly- with 6 small meals a day containing lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates and good fats- they are surprised by how much energy they have, the reduction in food cravings and a feeling of general health and well being! Imagine that, what you put into your body reflects what your body is able to do! Not to mention the health benefits- especially immunity! I haven't been sick all year :)

When your only putting in the energy your body needs to perform, exercising enables your body to burn off calories from the fat stores you already have on your body- hence weight loss! It annoys me when I hear statements such as "I just did an hour of cardio so I deserve this block of chocolate." When did rewards come in the form of sending your insulin levels crazy and putting highly processed nutrient devoid "food" into the body you just worked so hard for? Why not reward yourself with a hot new dress to show off your newly sculpted booty this weekend? Or with nutrient rich, tasty CLEAN food?
Brekky: Oats, Egg Whites, Choc Protein
Powder, Blueberries

Snack: Tuna, Chickpeas, Avocado,
Spinach & Apple
Lunch: Turkey, Sweet Potato,
Green Salad

What's this I speak of CLEAN food? Eating clean refers to consuming high quality foods not containing sugars, fats, trans-fats and other unnecessary ingredients. The food is clean from 'crap'. Instead consume lean protein along with complex carbohydrates at every meal. The quantity of protein should approximate the size of the palm of your hand. The most important meal of the day is breakfast which should be balanced with oatmeal topped with berries followed by egg whites. Lunches and dinners should contain protein from excellent sources like chicken breast, turkey, pork or beef tenderloin, fish and egg whites. Each meal must include fresh fruits and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates like these ensure proper utilization of protein, essential for building lean muscle mass. Here are some examples of some clean healthy meals that will leave you feeling full, satisfied and ready to take on whatever your day throws at you! If you want your body to perform or look the best it can then start fueling it properly! Organise your meals for the day, and prepare them so you don't opt out for the 'easy' option, and stick to it. You'll feel the difference pretty much immediately, and your body will truly thank you for it. 
Remember you are what you eat, so eat the best and you'll be your best! <3 Rach

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