So this morning the heavens have decided to bless us with rain. All over Facebook are people complaining. Actually, even when it isn't raining there are people all over Facebook complaining. In life there are always people complaining. When did people decide that their lives were so bad!
I try hard to be an optimistic person and always look at the good in situations. This positive outlook on life leaves me happy and continually smiley :) Yes, there are still days in life where I would prefer to just curl up in a ball and stay there, but it's my (and many other like minded people's) ability to get up and make the best of the situation. I completely agree with the quote;
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"
- Winston Churchill
You can't sit around all day waiting for things to go your way, or present an opportunity straight in your face, you need to go out and work hard at achieving your goals and at making an effort to see the good in the world. This slight mental attitude change, over-flows into the rest of your life. Laugh at yourself, smile, treat others how you wish to be treated, say only kind words, find the good in every situation, and you will see a massive difference in your life, simply from the change in how you choose to perceive it!
We often forget just how 'lucky' in life we are. -I say I don't believe in luck as I don't agree that 'chance' is what rules our lives; I believe that we chose our own path in life and depending on the thoughts and actions we perform each day, these will determine how successfully we can travel along the road that we have created for ourselves. In saying this I believe we are so 'lucky' to have been born in a 1st world country full of opportunities, like Australia. Some people weren't blessed with the same starting place in life as us. Yet, people are still so dissatisfied with their lives! This country and way of life offers so much opportunity, and yet people still persist to sit on their arses and complain about opportunities not just falling into their laps. These people view them selves as 'victims' and always ask the question 'why me?', they never see themselves as part of the problem. These people need to realise that if things aren't going their way then THEY need to make a change, not anybody else! If your not happy in your career, your relationship, you're overweight, you don't like the way you look, you have toxic friends- whatever the 'issue' you need to stop and realise that you are contributing to these problems and that YOU have the power to change them for the better.
Write down a list of what you want from life (a sort of bucket list), look at all categories in life such as; family, relationships, friends, career, health and fitness, attitude, money, travel etc and write down what you really want to achieve in these areas. So many people go through life just acting out the motions and never really live! Do you really want to be one of those people? Do you want to get to the end of your life and regret all the opportunities you didn't take and all the dreams you never actually tried to achieve?... didn't think so! So start setting realistic goals to achieve these dreams and aspirations, make them realistic and achievable, and you will eventually get there! Yes it will take determination, motivation, persistence and a positive belief in yourself, but you will get there and live a life that makes you happy and allows you to make your dreams into reality!
Stop asking 'why me?' and start acting! Get up, and live your life, because you have so much to be greatful for!
Have an amazing day dancing in the rain, and seeing the good in this beautiful world :) SMILE: it irritates those who wish to destroy you.
<3 Rach
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